RELIT helps caregivers combat compassion fatigue

Seventeen experts from diverse backgrounds and a variety of professions share both their expert advice and their personal stories of overcoming compassion fatigue in a new book to be available on November 13th, 2024. RELIT – How to Rekindle Yourself in the Darkness of Compassion Fatigue gives practical, actionable tips on avoiding and recovering from caregiver burnout for people who give care to others, whether in a professional role or as an unpaid family caregiver.

Compassion fatigue, a state of profound emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to trauma and suffering, is one of the most pervasive and least discussed traumas that nearly every caregiver feels at one time or another. Millions of people choose a helper profession (everything from nurse to lawyer to veterinarian) because they care deeply and feel called to service. Millions more are thrust into unpaid caregiving roles due to illness, injury, or the natural course of aging. Despite this, there is a distressing lack of relevant, insightful, and actionable information on how to deal with the mental and emotional toll it takes.

“I really needed a book like this when I was thrust into becoming a caregiver to my 89 year old mom after she fell,” said Antoinette LeCouteur, a contributing author and one of the book’s editors. “But when I went looking, all I found were dense, scholarly articles and well-intentioned but largely unhelpful memoirs. I wanted to fix that.”

“Compassion fatigue shows up in so many ways, and it affects caring people regardless of age, culture, or profession.” added Peter Dudley, the book’s other editor. “Every unique story is relatable from a human perspective, and every author—from the nurse to the New York lawyer to the rugby coach who grew up in Africa—provides hard-earned wisdom for the rest of us.”

RELIT is a must-read for anyone in a helping profession, anyone in the middle of a caregiving situation, or anyone who anticipates needing to care for a loved one in the future.

The book is available for preorder now in paperback and hardcover, and it will be on sale wherever books are sold on November 13, 2024 in print and ebook.

More information can be found at

Sign up for Gray Bear Publication’s email list to keep up to date on announcements and learn about events such as the Relit virtual launch party.

Contributing Authors

Jean Accius, PhD – Chief Executive Officer of a national health equity nonprofit

Faith Albright, DVM – Veterinarian and owner/operator of an animal sanctuary

Larry Brouder – Global employee mobility expert and speaker

Dennis Brozzo, PMP – Executive, leadership, and life coach

Richa Chadha, MBA, MS – Mindset coach, speaker, and organizational psychologist

Peter Dudley, PCC – Leadership and life coach, author, and publisher

Nayely Duran, ACC – Consultant, trainer, and executive leadership coach

Tammy Hurst, RN, MSN, NC-BC – Registered nurse and board-certified nurse coach

Catherine Krause, RN, PHN – Consultant, and developer of the Empowered Aging framework

Jerrald Krause, PhD – Professor, co-founder of Center for Applied Social Analysis and Education

Antoinette LeCouteur – Unpaid family caregiver and philanthropy advisor and consultant

Jill Louise Léger – Geriatric recreational therapist and creator of The Sunflower Channel

Laura Plato, MSc – CEO of The New Frequency and social impact technology executive

Dr. Kenya Oscar Radoli – Technology sociologist and organization culture architect

Sally Spencer-Thomas, PsyD – Clinical psychologist, speaker, and mental health advocate

Margaret Stauffer, MS, LMFT – Marriage and family therapist and retired nonprofit director

Allison K. Wyman, JD – Family caregiving attorney, creator of the Cozy Caregiver Café podcast

TWIST now available for pre-order

The new book of photography and poetry from Antoinette and Peter will publish on April 27th in paperback, hardcover, and ebook. It’s currently available for pre-order wherever you buy books.

Because we have had problems with pre-orders through Amazon in the past, we recommend ordering through, through your local bookseller, through Barnes & Noble, or directly from us.

Contact us directly for signed or review copies.

Author panel and book signing at San Francisco Writers Conference

Join Gray Bear authors Peter Dudley and Antoinette LeCouteur at the San Francisco Writers Conference’s Wine and Book Tasting event on February, 16, 2024, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Peter and Antoinette will be signing and selling their current book, together, and will also be previewing a prerelease version of their second book, which is due to be published in April (More details to come about that!)

In addition, Peter will be moderating a panel of experts during the conference to discuss how authors can ensure they’re hiring only ethical and high quality support services, from design to editing to publishing. Peter currently serves as a board member at large on the Board of Directors of the conference.

Click the link above or the image below to learn more about the event.

The BookFest honors “together” with poetry book award

The BookFest, a literary awards program for independently published books, honored together with an Honorable Mention poetry book award this weekend.

The awards are judged by an independent panel of literary industry experts, and awards are announced during the two-day online event featuring dozens of speakers in panel discussions and live interactive sessions.

Celebrate this award with the authors at their book signing on October 29th from 2 to 4 p.m. at Barnes & Noble in Walnut Creek!

The cover of "together" with the poetry book award medallion included in the top left

Awards are selected on literary merit, originality, impact, and aesthetics. Judges may also consider other factors such as commercial potential or diverse representation.

We’re thrilled that our debut book received such prestigious recognition in the field of independent publishing.

2024 calendar now available with all-new photos and poetry

The front of the 2024 calendar showing a photo of a tree line inset over a map

Now available in the shop is our 2024 calendar with 12 new pairings of photos and poems never before published. These 12 pairings will appear in the sequel to together, which will be published in early 2024.

These calendars look beautiful on any wall and make terrific gifts going into the new year.

Peter and Antoinette will have a preview copy on hand at their book signing on October 29th in Walnut Creek.

Get yours today! We are certain you’ll be as excited to receive your copy as we were to receive ours.

Author signing October 29, 2023

Peter and Antoinette will be signing books at Barnes & Noble in Walnut Creek, California on Sunday, October 29 from 2 to 4 p.m. Pacific time.

You may purchase a book on site or buy it in advance through the Barnes & Noble site to be delivered to your home. There will be limited inventory on site, so buying in advance is the safer option.

In addition to their book, together, the couple will also have an exclusive East Bay version of their 2024 calendar on hand, with new photos and poems to be included in the upcoming sequel to the book next year.

They will also have samples of book-related merchandise such as tote bags and tee shirts which may be ordered from the Gray Bear Publications shop.

Welcome to Gray Bear Publications

Gray Bear Publications, an imprint of Gray Bear Coaching LLC, is launching in January of 2023. As the publications arm of Gray Bear Coaching, it will serve three primary purposes:

  • Act as the imprint under which Peter, founder of Gray Bear Coaching, publishes his own work and the work of his creative partners.
  • Provide an imprint through which other coaches may publish their work, either in anthology or as their own books, ebooks, or inspirational works.
  • Provide a way for people who have inspiring, artistic, or wise things to say to get those things published.

Gray Bear Publications sits somewhere between a traditional publisher and a vanity press, somewhere between a freelance consultancy and a production house.

Our first book, together, is available now.

We are actively looking for our next project. Could it be yours?